Season of Thanks

Have you just entered a new season that feels difficult?  Perhaps the last season of your life finally felt “normal” and put together?  You may even be dealing with frustration and sorrow over what is no longer a part of your world.  

Maybe God brought you back after sending you out.  He closed those doors.  And it was painful.  It was confusing.  But you can see now that He’s moving you into a new season once again..  

This may be the beginning of transition where you need to spend a lot of time coming to terms with the fact that the life you had built is now over.  God is asking you to trust Him once again as He prepares you for a new work. 

A surprising fact about moving into an unexpected season after closing the doors on something that felt comfortable is to take pause and… thankful.  

We can choose to be bitter at the issues which resulted from the change of season and situation, the relationships which were left shaky at best, and the new “normal” that often gives us more questions than answers...

Or we can be thankful.

We can look back at the amazing season we just left and thank our Father for His provision of home, friends, work, and every necessity.  Though our relationships and situation may not be the same, we can be thankful for those parts of the previous season.  Those things were perfectly orchestrated by a loving Father for that place and time.  

We must realize; to move forward, we have to look backward. We need to give ourselves time to grieve, time to process, and time to heal.  And through that process, thanksgiving is the salve which brings wholeness to our hearts.  When we choose to be thankful as we slowly close the door on the last season, we can take a deep breath, refreshed, and turn to look ahead.  

With the state of our country and our world right now, choosing to be thankful is of utmost importance.  Thankfulness can allow our hearts and minds to breathe deeply, knowing that the Lord is still on His throne!