What Is Church In COVID-19

Searching For A Church In The Covid-19 Pandemic

Global pandemics have a way of changing things, and the stay-at-home orders in states across the nation have completely changed the game for churches and churchgoers.  You may have downloaded our FREE Ebook on Finding a Church, but we want to help you walk through the unique landscape of church searching during (and after) COVID-19.


What Is A Church? 

Let’s be honest. Scripture commands us to not forsake gathering together (Hebrews 10:23-25).  If you look at the “59 One Anothers” of the New Testament, you see that they involve very real, in-person activities.  The commands to serve each other, lay hands and pray, wash one another’s feet, etc. require physical presence.  More than that, the ordinances of the church (communion and baptism) are tangible practices that must be done in person.  

I’m bringing this up, because if you’ve been watching live stream “services” online for the last couple months, you might be getting used to something that isn’t church.  

Church requires “one another”.  As a Christian, you are a minister, a part of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).  You have something to contribute with your presence and gifting every time the local church gathers (1 Corinthians 12).  

So, don’t think that you can keep watching a video for an hour on Sunday and call it “church.” 

What Is A Church During The Pandemic? 

So, if you are looking for a church during the pandemic, you shouldn’t be happy with a church that is just giving you a link to a video every week and calling it “done.”  Churches that aren’t taking the time to engage personally with their parishioners aren’t churches at all.  

Good churches are providing teaching during this time through a variety of online means, but the best churches aren’t stopping there.  A biblically grounded church is also providing discipleship and fellowship opportunities by way of small groups.  These may be online discussions on Zoom or Google meetings.  

Once you are in a group and connected, your small group leader (or hopefully an elder in the church) will get to know you for the sake of ministry.  They will pray for you regularly and keep in touch with you and your family.  

What is a Christian During the Pandemic?

Just as a Church can’t be a good church without interaction and care for its parishioners, so you can’t be a good Christian without obeying God’s commands to serve the Church.  Churchgoing is not a passive activity.  You can’t just watch a video feed or sit in a back pew.  You have a job to do.  

2 Peter 2:5 says, “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Did you catch that?  The church (people not building) is a temple, and you are one of it’s stones.  We wouldn’t consider temple stones to be optional.  Each one is essential for the structure of the dwelling place of God!  In the same way, your attendance is not optional.  Be there.  

But that’s not all, your job is to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.  You have a role to use your spiritual gifts every time the church gets together.  Now, it is easy to think of this in a volunteer capacity (ex, cleaning the church, teaching Sunday School, etc.).  While those roles are needed and serving there is helpful, your role as a Christian has a lot more to do with Spiritual Gifts.  

Hebrews 10:23-25 tells us that we meet together to remember the hope that we have (the Gospel) and to encourage one another to love and good works.  We often do this with our Spiritual gifts which include but are not limited to encouragement, hospitality, teaching, prayer, etc.  You may be there simply to remind a brother or sister of the gospel that they have heard a thousand times, but need to hear today.  You may be there to offer an encouraging word or to remind someone of a truth of God from Scripture.  You may simply offer a cup of coffee and a smile to someone who knows that regardless of how abused they have been, they are part of the family of God, a very real family that feeds you, cares for you, loves you, and protects you.


So, if you are looking for a church right now, make sure they are doing the following: 

  • Weekly Teaching you can access (even if it is just online)

  • Weekly Discipleship (small groups and individual discipleship)

  • Elder Oversight (Real spiritual care from a qualified leader).  

  • Opportunities for you to minister as a part of the body of Christ

Churches that are taking the time to make sure that everyone in their church is being discipled during a pandemic will be the kind of churches who will be making disciples after.  

Obviously, we’d love to have you become a part of our church!  Fill out the form on our contact page to get connected!